I am Ye Htut, Chairman of Shin Ye Htut Group of Companies. First of all, may I take this opportunity to explain the definition of the name of Shin Ye Htut Company.
Shin Ye Htut means that chilhood name of King Bayint Naung of Kone Boung dynasty who reigned in Taungoo area from 1515 to 1581 same as Myanmar Year 877 to 943. He was the legendary ruler who unified his country and conquered Ayutthaya (Thailand), making Myanmar the most powerful kingdom in mainland Southeast Asia. He was not only well respected and loved by people of Myanmar but also many Thais. He had been considered as a great king of exceptional qualities with his benevolent heart, highly intelligent mind and brave hero with martyr-like courage. He was very famous for Battle of Naung Yoe.
Therefore, we named our company as we pay respect and admire our Myanmar King, by taking his name 'Shin Ye Htut'. The name reflects other meaning as well 'Shin' means inmortal, living/ liveliness in Myanmar and means trust and new in Japanese. That is why the name Shin Ye Htut represents remembrance to great king of Myanmar with spirit of being new, dynamic and trustworthy forever.
Secondly, I would like to explain about our company's vision and mission. Our company, with never surrender spirit of Naung Yoe, as to follow the path of King Bayint Naung (Shin Ye Htut), shall incessantly strive to grow our business especially working together with our partners (foreign investors) having joint venture to get more and more mutural benefits.
Let me conclude here by expressing our motto which we treasure as our promise that we will never surrender, we will never stop, we will never step back. We are committed to make our group of companies to be the No. (1) in Myanmar.
Thank you very much
Ye Htut
Shin Ye Htut Group of Companies
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